Mindset Over Goals in 2022

Mindset Over Goals: A New Outlook For 2022 and Beyond



I’m sure you’ve all heard the overused cliché of “new year…new you, ” especially on our motivated meme-filled screens.  We should start taking this white-noise of a phrase and turn it on its head.  It should instead be “You+” meaning you’re an extension of who you were or daresay an evolution.  The old ways leads to a repetitive cycle of unused gym memberships, books catching dust, and being back to square one.  The new mindset of “You+” adopts an eternal mindset that doesn’t count down days but instead uses days as opportunities.  Take a look below to learn a surefire method that will you make that shift on January 1st – or even June 27th.


The central example I will use, and often the most popular is the New Year’s resolution to exercise and sticking to a healthy diet.  According to YouGov.com, less than half of those surveyed stuck to their original resolutions in 2010.   Another poll of 2,000 Americans found that it takes just 32 days for the average person to finally break their resolution(s) — but 68% report giving up their resolutions even sooner than that.  This lack of discipline is attributed to treating a resolution like a last-minute school project that’s due next month.  A seasoned professor would understand the difference between ad-hoc preparation and a well outlined, well-researched, and prepared project.  This is the same with fitness and dieting, it can not wait last minute until the calendar strikes 1/1. 


Think first of the rewards – and no I don’t mean just fitting into that dress.  Imagine how life would be if you were healthier, not only a year from now but five years from now.  What would that increase in energy, flexibility, strength, and overall improved wellness do for you?  Would you be able to show up more for your friends, family, and potential romantic partners?  Would you be able to quickly counter any feelings of anxiety and depression due to a steady release of neurotransmitters such as oxytocin and dopamine while lowering your cortisol levels?  Of course, you know the answer to this but the answer, instead of the 30-day gym membership, is what you should chase. 

Keep this in mind – it does not stop at the weight scale.  Whether you’ve met your original goal of losing 10 lbs or struggling to lose it yet gaining strength, the weight scale should not stop your journey.  Do not focus on an end result but instead a mental shift that will stick with you forever.  It is the combination of perfectionism, lack of discipline, and the mindset of “I made it” that will send you backward. 

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While you’re picking up the weights and kale make sure to pick up a journal.  Journaling your progress, and any hurdles that prevent progress will do wonders in cementing the journey mindset.  Journal using your own style, do not get stuck on a certain template.  For example, one day you can be inspired to write down your favorite exercises or a mental flowchart of what prevents you from eating right.  The journal may become difficult at first, if not already a habit, but will quickly become part of your daily rhythm.  Set a timer or reminder – do not let this be another failed plan.  You can always look back on past entries to practice mindfulness and reflect on your improvements.  This is beyond the gym – this is a complete shift.


Journaling helps keep evidence of your journey, meditation solidifies it.  Now it’s what you think – you do not need to sit cross-legged style for minutes or hours until you tap into your third chakra.  Though the purists would advocate for a more formalized practice, sitting at a park bench and reflecting is a form of meditation.  Aside from health goals, practicing meditation is crucial in this modern technology-addicted world.  You are not truly unplugged from the stresses of life by scrolling through social media, you’re adding to it.  Meditation can be a combination of visualization, future pacing, rehearsal, and/or anxiety reduction.  If meditation is not part of your daily habits, start with 10 minutes of quiet time to get started.   I recommend booking a free session with me TheDatingDoc to develop a meditation game plan to improve your dating or overall life.

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The benefits of meditation outweigh the time requirement


Improved dieting and fitness will buy your freedom.  Picture each day as a chance to deposit into the bank that is the one life you live.  The deposits add up to exponential growth that has trickle effects.  You’ll feel the benefits and be better able to serve yourself and others.  Use the above to not only start off 2022 right – but to kickstart the rest of your life.