
“Please Be Christian”:  One of the Biggest Dating App Fallacies

Come Get Psalm!

Before The Knee-Jerk Reaction

First, I’d like to make something very clear – I’m not against the Christian church and/or good morals. If anything, I’m a huge proponent of anyone that teaches integrity, authenticity, inclusivity, freedom of thought, etc. The below content actually hits the nail on the head on ANY type of religion or spiritual belief system that, intentionally or unintentionally, promotes a narrow-minded view based on assumptions when it comes to partner selection. I completely understand there’s good people out there – and yes I mean Christians as well. Now that I got that out of the way…

Jesus Is Like Wing Sauce Flavors

What exactly does it mean to be a Christian? Are we talking the side of Christianity that blurs the line between worship and politics or daresay becomes the worship of politics? Is it the side of Christianity that believes women came from “the rib of a man” and should be blindly submissive because the good book says so? Maybe, just maybe, it’s the tolerant flavor that tolerates and welcomes its followers regardless of ethnicity, gender, political party, religious background, etc.

Speaking of flavor, if we compared all the Christian denominations to food choices we could easily pick between Southern BBQ, Vegan, all-around buffet, luxury latte, and half-eaten cupcakes. Heck of a menu that feeds you in different ways but still answers your hunger. The bigger point is that it’s hard to define what being a “Good Christian Man/Woman” is all about.

Wolves in Sheeps’ Clothing

Which brings me to the bigger point – do you seek a church goer or a do gooder? Churches are great hiding grounds for narcissists and even more so for those who are hard to call-out for fear of appearing as ungodly. Before the world of shameless Instagram and TikTok videos fed digital hearts to attention addicts – it was church that was doing the trick. It was much easier to secure supporters and dispose of threats…yes even in a place intended to be safe and welcoming. That’s why I always wondered what the person behind profiles on Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge were thinking when they said, “Must accept the Lord as your savior.”

What if I don’t? What if I’m a damn good person that emulates sacrifice, selfless service, and overall, a good heart but rarely if ever attend church? There are many that pray in silent and discreetly donate to causes because the intent far outweighs the attention and adulation they receive from it. Leading from an internal locus of control makes for a much better Christian than one leading from a toxic external locus of control.

Feel free to ask me more about locus of control and how it can help guide your dating life. To summarize, is it fine for me to be a manipulating asshole as long as I exude fake joy and make sure to lift both of my hands up to Creed every Sunday? Or does a pure person who’s just starting their journey in faith stand a chance at having a relationship with you?

Swipe Left Worthy

I’ll be completely honest, if I see more than 3-4 references to “Lord”, “Christ”, “Savior”, or “Jesus” on a brief profile description – I’m swiping left. If I offended you then you might be thinking to yourself, “He doesn’t respect my beliefs” which ironically is exactly why you feel offended. The offended feel so because they feel their belief is the ONLY one that counts and other religions or non-believers are just not worthy of half an hour with them at your local coffee shop. However, if you are one of the good ones who places principles over who can quote the most Bible scripture – I truly applaud you. I applaud you because you’re not just living the “Please Be Christian” life but you’re also in the “Please Act Christian” side of the house.

Jesus Sanchez – El Casanova del Sur

Heck who knows maybe “I Love Jesus” is just a woman declaring her love for Jesus Sanchez, renown Casanova and auto-mechanic extraordinaire from the southside of San Antonio. Comment below if you’ve found yourself on either side of the fence when it comes religion in the realm of online dating.